product no. 02130
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milkchocolate-lentils, mixed coloured, E100, E120, E131, E132
available packing-units:
- 4 kg cardboard-box
product no. 02150
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mini-milkchocolate-lentils, mixed coloured, E100, E120, E131, E132
available packaging units:
- 15 kg cardboard-box
- 4 kg cardboard-box
- 20 x 1 kg bag/cardboard-box
product no. 02158
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mini-milkchocolate-lentils mixed with natural food stuff
available packaging units:
- 4 kg cardboard-box
product no. 06341
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mocchabeans glaced (chocolate)
available packaging units:
- 15 kg cardboard-box
- 20 x 1 kg bag/caardboard-box
product no. 03370
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dragées with liquorice centre red/black coloured E100, E120, E153
available packaging-units:
- 4 kg cardboard-box
product no. 03291
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dragées with liquorice centre silver coloured E153, E174
available packaging sizes:
- 4 kg cardboard-box
product no. 09747
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dragéepearls mixed coloured colouring food stuff
available packaging units:
- 20 kg paper-bag
product no. 06427
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mimosa-dragées, yellow coloured, E100
available packaging units:
- 4 kg cardboard-box
product no. 06026
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Sugar Crystals, red colouring food stuff
available packaging units:
- 30 kg paper-bag
product no. 09144
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Sugar pearls pure silver, 4 mm Ø silver coloured, E174
available packaging units:
- 10 kg cardboard-box
- more sizes after your inquiry